Howl out to Matt Lubiak who raced the SOMA Mile on Sunday in Maplewood, New Jersey. Jiffy used Conner Franke's (Van Wilder) pre-race late night before pre-race liquid carbohydrate load strategy; then, got up to nail a 5:53 to place 6th overall and 1st Male 50-54 (Technically he took first for anyone 40+)!!!
Howl out to the folks that competed in our first ever TT. From what I could tell, 5 folks competed with the winning time going to Anthony Booth where Warhorse raced to a 57:39 with Beanstalk (Jack Colton) right on his tail with a 59:30. Note Warhorse raced on Tuesday and Beanstalk on Saturday, so we don't know if weather conditions may have had an impact on the times... :) In the she-wolf division, Taylor Veranth, raced to a 1:00:23 win! Yes, of course, I asked Warrior Princess why she couldn't find 24 seconds... Dan and Conner were 1:02:47 and 1:02:59 respectively. These are all solid for the first TT of the year!
Howl out to Trevor Schaefer! For background, Otto Pilot was weighing in around 230 when I met him last year and he shared that just recently, he weighed in at 200.0 pounds. We significantly dropped his goal time for 70.3 Boulder... :)
Howl out to Jason Smith. The Armed Forces have a triathlon in Ventura, CA at the end of March and our own Magnum PI who is in the Air Force applied to compete in the Master's division. There are 2 slots. Please send some karma his way as he could bring it if he got on the team. And for those of you that met Jason at IronMan Wisconsin weekend, don't you feel safer knowing that Jason is protecting us all... :)
WEEKLY VOLUME PODIUMRegardless of everything, training volume matters. There is always talk about how much training is enough and a lot of this stems from the fact that Mark Allen was training, relatively, less than Dave Scott, Scott Tinley, etc... back in the day, and winning. Well Dave Scott et al were training like 40-50 hours a week relative to Mark Allen's 25+, so... For perspective, I listened to the coach for Blumenthal and Iden and his comment was that they were training about 30 hours a week. Recognizing we are not professionals nor, most of our bodies can't handle that volume, the reality is that frequency and volume are a good thing and matter (caveat -- intense interval after intense interval will beat you in the ground). Personally, I was in the best shape of my life in 2015 but never had the matching performances because I just would not back down and then, in August, herniated my disk the night before we left to race 70.3 World's in Austria... Moral -- Additional aerobic volume is your friend, endless intensity isn't the solution. Therefore, if you are feeling good and want to do something, hop on the Trainer or go to the pool and get some additional AEROBIC work in. Don't need to ask me, just do.1) Warrior Princess -- 9:53
2) Warhorse -- 8:30
3) She-Wolf -- 8:01 (Really happy to see Lisa Rosynsky get on the Volume Podium. L-Ro is planning to unleash the Beast this year, so this is how it starts!)
NEW PACK MEMBERSPlease welcome to the Pack Rob Ricci and Mara Monaco who live in Highlands, Colorado. They are just starting up this week. Mara (who I nicknamed "The Girlfriend" as spoke with Rob for the longest time about joining for over an hour and he kept referencing that he and "The Girlfriend" were thinking of joining. When I finally spoke with her, I asked her if she actually had a name... :)There are a couple more folks joining over the next couple of weeks out East so looking forward to introducing them as well.
What’s wild is that I ran that at the same pace as the one on December 4th where you had the wrong threshold programmed and that didn’t seem bad at all
This last week, I sent an email out to all of you individually to confirm what the "base plan" would look like for each of you. Behind it all, I placed you all into packs based upon how similar your current fitness levels are and the type of training you are doing. Further, as so many of you are coordinating training either live or virtual, I am trying to ensure that your workouts are aligned so you are doing the same thing, or, for those that are still building up run volume, can do your run with the group and then those going further continue with the second part of the workout.So, what Pack are you in:Gray Wolfpack -- Anthony Booth (Warhorse), Jim Dion (Skeletor), Matt Lubiak (Jiffy), Jason Smith (Magnum PI), Chris Karalis (Greased Lightning)Rocky Mountain Wolfpack -- Eli Madden (Lethal Weapon), Forrest Dickenson, Jack Colton (Beanstalk), Taylor Veranth (Warrior Princess), Conner Franke (Van WIlder)Eastern Wolfpack -- Bernard Delierre, Marko Begonja (Spartacus), Lisa Rosynsky (She-Wolf), Timber Wolfpack -- Dan Briner, Dylan Davie (Sasquatch), Rob Ricci, Mara Monaco (The Girlfriend)Tundra Wolfpack -- Will Matthews, Trevor Schaefer (Otto Pilot), Anthony Cohen, Matt Fuhr
If you are waiting on a nickname. In due time. They just hit me every once in a while.
As a reminder, of "I'm In". Our Pack is very big so don't be afraid to coordinate and join workouts. Nothing makes you faster than working with others; so, reach out to the Wolfpack or find local groups to spend some time with.If you want to ensure you do a workout, "post it and commit to it".
Finally, if you need to change a workout day, please just do it. You can edit the date in Training Peaks. You don't need my permission. Well, Skeletor, you do... But, everyone else...
2023 Race/Event Schedule
Please keep this current so folks know which races folks are doing -- Wolfpack 2023 Schedule.xlsx -- and feel free to add races as needed. My old consultant self comes out every once in a while, so I'll go in and edit and clean it up. But, as stuff sells out, best to make up your mind. I know a lot of folks are sorting through "how much", so don't hesitate to call me and we can talk through. I do like to have some sort of event or race on the calendar every 4-6 weeks.
If you want to connect with me, please feel free to text or call, but if it is a bit more involved of a conversation, please find a time slot via -- https://go.oncehub.com/JohnBye -- this is all I do so I will ALWAYS MAKE TIME for any questions (plus any dumb ones -- Eli... :) Come on, that's funny! :)
Relentless Forward Motion
